Things You Promise Yourself

Butch Hartman

Once I knew how much I loved to draw, you could find me drawing all day, every day. I have a vivid memory of kindergarten (6 years old) when my teacher (Mrs. Shelly) asked the class to draw a picture of her. When she collected the drawings, she began to make a fuss about mine. She even went to other classrooms to show my drawing to other teachers. Her encouragement motivated me to continue drawing and eventually to excel in a career I absolutely love.
Every free moment during my school years, you could find me in front of the television drawing cartoon characters. Flintstones, Jetsons, Hanna Barbera, Disney and Marvel characters. Basically, anything that was on TV. There were no digital forms for drawing yet and I couldn’t freeze the television show, so I would simply draw what I saw as fast as I could and fill in the rest from memory. Emulating someone else’s style is actually a very good form of practice and I practiced constantly. 

At one point I made a promise to myself. A friend of mine who also loved to draw had all the best art equipment including a drawing table, but a drawing table wasn’t feasible for me at the time. So I promised myself I would be able to draw anywhere—on the floor, on a brick, on a barbeque grill, or a park bench—anywhere. I kept that promise to myself and to this day I can draw anywhere, if I have something to draw on and something to draw with. This particular skill has come in handy many, many times. Don’t let the lack of material limit your creativity. 
What have you promised yourself? If your promise has something to do with a career in the entertainment industry, I can help. Get connected with the Butch Hartman Art Academy today. Let me help you take your ideas through a time-tested process for creating a marketable entertainment product.

If you haven’t promised yourself anything lately, don’t you think it’s about time you did? Don’t wait another day to take a step toward the career you have always dreamed of. You won’t be sorry.

Art gives you power…use it wisely.


Have you met any interesting characters lately?


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