When Can I Stop?
Can you hear the middle school child sitting on the piano bench and yelling to ask, “When can I stop practicing?” Everyone needs to practice to excel at the thing they want to do, whether for school or work or fun.
Baseball Players
Football Players
You never get worse at something by practicing, you only get better. Two people can receive the same instruction, but one practices and the other doesn’t. Very quickly, the one who practices will excel beyond the one who doesn’t. Even someone who is ‘naturally gifted’ needs the diligence to practice every day.
I am 59 and I still practice my craft every day. Actually, I am never without the tools I need to be able to draw when an opportunity presents itself (a waiting room, an airport terminal, a bench in the park). Practice doesn’t make perfect, but perfect isn’t the goal. Excellence is the goal and practice will get you there every time!
Be intentional and make practicing your craft a daily task. You will be able to see a difference in no time.
Art gives you power…use it wisely.